VAT Accountants Burnley


We are able to provide a comprehensive HMRC VAT advice service including:

  • Answer general VAT queries
  • Provide transactional VAT advice
  • Deal with HMRC regarding VAT assessments which have been raised
  • Provide advice on partial exemption
  • Provide VAT training courses
  • Brexit advice on VAT

VAT Visit

Where a difficult VAT matter arises on a VAT inspection, you can instruct us to discuss the situation with HMRC on your behalf in order to negotiate an acceptable solution. 

We can also be available to help you on the day of a VAT inspection - either on site or at the end of a telephone - to assist with any questions raised. If you prefer, we can carry out a risk assessment of the VAT position prior to their visit and advise on how to deal with any problems this highlights. We can also help with any VAT issue or investigation that arises after the visit.

VAT Health Check

We offer a service to carry out a VAT health check which is outside the normal accounts preparation or audit assignments. 

We review your systems and records to ensure that they are compliant with current tax legislation. If we uncover any shortcomings we will recommend any relevant improvements.

Ashworth Moulds
Speak to us today.
Our knowledge and experience across all sectors helps many local businesses and individuals, whether starting up in business or planning for retirement.
Get in Touch
Ashworth Moulds Chartered Accountants
11 Nicholas Street, Burnley BB11 2AL
Tel: +44 01 282 432 171
Fax: +44 01 282 412 510