Charities and Not-For-Profit Organisations


Charities and Not for Profit Organisations

As a charity or not for profit organisation, you face a number of challenges in raising funds and meeting compliance obligations. Our expertise and range of services extend beyond simply undertaking an audit or independent examination.

With a wealth of experience, including board representation for a number of charities, we understand the issues you face and are committed to helping charities excel at what they do best – helping others.

We can provide the following services:

  • Accounting and audit
  • Taxation advice including Gift Aid
  • SORP accounting and compliance
  • VAT advice
  • Payroll
  • Trustees' annual report content
  • Completion of annual returns
  • How to set up a charity
Ashworth Moulds
Speak to us today.
Our knowledge and experience across all sectors helps many local businesses and individuals, whether starting up in business or planning for retirement.
Get in Touch
Ashworth Moulds Chartered Accountants
11 Nicholas Street, Burnley BB11 2AL
Tel: +44 01 282 432 171
Fax: +44 01 282 412 510