There are various reasons why a director can end up having an overdrawn loan account with their company, but the tax charge is the same regardless. A higher charge is payable from 6 April.
The tax charge, which has gone up by 1.25 percentage points to 33.75%, is payable when a director, who is also a participator, has an outstanding loan with a close company and the loan is not repaid within nine months and a day of the end of the company’s accounting period.
Broadly, a participator is a shareholder in a company, and a close company is one controlled by five or fewer participators.
A loan to a director should be approved by a written ordinary resolution from the shareholders, although this can be done retrospectively. Approval is not required for loans up to £10,000, or for indirect loans such as where the company has paid for a director’s personal expenses.
When a director’s current account is overdrawn, this can be cleared by the company voting the director a dividend or bonus. There might be situations, however, where this does not happen. For example, on 1 July 2022, a director withdraws £100,000 from their personal company to help fund a private property purchase. The company has an accounting date of 30 June.
A loan to a director should be approved by a written ordinary resolution from the shareholders, although this can be done retrospectively.
It might well be the case that it is cheaper, in tax terms, to simply leave a director’s loan outstanding. This could be the situation if the only way to repay it is by taking a bonus that, apart from being taxed, will also mean both employee and employer NICs are payable. The repayment could take several forms: