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Companies House fees increase Credit: M Isolation photo/

Companies House fees increase

Increases to Companies House fees from 1 May 2024 will make it more expensive to incorporate a company and subsequently maintain it.

The cost of registering a company with Companies House currently ranges from £10 to £40, depending on the channel used.

  • The online registration fee will increase from £12 to £50, an uplift of over 300%.
  • Cost of same day incorporation has more than doubled, with the fee up from £30 to £78.
  • The costs of incorporating a limited liability partnership will see the same increases.

Company formation agents are often used to set up a company, and their fees will see similar increases from 1 May.

When a company is no longer required, voluntary striking off will now incur a fee of £33; it is currently £8.

Confirmation statements

Every company, including a dormant one, must file a confirmation statement at least once a year. The cost is currently £13, and this is going up to £34. This fee does, however, cover a 12-month period. It’s paid with the first filing during the period, with no further charge for any subsequent filings during the same period.

Register of overseas entities

In pure monetary terms, the largest increases apply to overseas entities who need to register with Companies House. The registration fee goes up from £100 to £234, with the removal fee increasing to £706 from £400.

Newsletter Apr/May 2024
Newsletter Apr/May 2024
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